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Monday 30th March

29th Mar 2020

Hello my spring chickens 🐣, 

Did you have a good weekend? What beautiful weather we had. My weekend was spent colouring the patio with chalk 👩🏼‍🎨, getting soaked with a hose by Rory 💦 and playing with 3D pictures on google. If you haven’t tried it yet you have to soon. It’s so much fun. Go to google, search for a cat and scroll down until you see ‘view in 3D’. There are other animals too but of course I’m going to use the cat as the example 🐱.

On Sunday morning the clocks changed ⏰ but do you remember what way they went? Anyone know a way to remember it?

Clocks spring forward an hour in spring 🌱 and fall back an hour in fall 🍁 (which is an American term for Autumn). 

It got me thinking, why? Why does the time change? So your challenge is to find out why the clocks change in spring and autumn. 

Well how are you getting on with your self improvement task? I’m making progress with mine 👩🏻‍🍳 This week I decided to make flapjacks. Being at home we are snacking a lot so I wanted to try something that didn’t involve chocolate 🍫 but was still sweet enough for my children to want it. Did it go perfectly? Absolutely not 🤦🏻‍♀️ but do they still taste good? Yes! I’m not expecting perfection just yet but a small improvement each time I bake is a step in the right direction. I’m realising that I don’t quite have the correct tools for baking but I’m improvising. I didn’t have a 20x20 square tin so I used a round one, my food processor was a bit small to combine my ingredients so I had to do it in 2 halves and Alexa didn’t start my 15 minute timer but we got there despite all this.

Now I could have worded this post very differently and told you I tried flapjacks, everything went perfectly just as I had planned and they were the best biscuits I had ever tasted followed up by a beautifully photoshopped picture just in case you had any doubts. That would have made me look great but wouldn’t have been 100% true and you have to remember that people aren’t always 100% truthful on social media so don’t feel down if you’ve been working at something which hasn’t been going quite right and a friend seems to be getting on great with theirs. 

Please remember to keep reading and taking AR tests and you should find some homework on mathletics that I have set for you 😁 It’s Monday so have a look at your weekly spelling list, complete the worksheet and do some meanings. 

To make you smile again after giving you work:

What season is best to go on a trampoline?


Spring time! 

Have a great day
