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Drumrane ps Dungiven


15th Sep 2023
The Red Room and Orange Room love spending time together reading. In the next few...
11th Sep 2023
Today the children in P3 went outside to create some 2D shapes using natural items.
6th Sep 2023
P3's began the year by exploring our outdoor area. They found minibeasts and built...
6th Sep 2023
This term our topic is “Mission Control”. Here’s some photos of...
5th Sep 2023
We had a beautiful day today and we were able to get our first whole class picture...
1st Sep 2023
P1 had a great first day at school and loved meeting their new P7 Buddy. Their buddy...
30th Aug 2023
I hope everyone had a relaxing summer break and that you are all excited for the...

2022/2023 School Year

29th Jun 2023
Drumrane really does have a lot of special talent. Dancing, singing, gymnastics,...
28th Jun 2023
We all enjoyed a very special assembly for our Primary 7 leavers last week….their...
28th Jun 2023
It rained, it poured and I’m sure there was an old man snoring somewhere, but...